Jul 26, 2011

Celeb Dining Favorites

An entire industry has been built around the habits of celebs and their lifestyles. Magazines, websites and blogs provide daily reports on the restaurants these celebs are visiting, the carbs they are actually eating and the extravagant meals they have on any given night. For the rest of us, while we may be wondering, “What’s for dinner?” these Hollywood elite are wining and dining on the finest cuisine that money can buy. But just because these A-listers are savoring the best palate pleasers on the planet, it doesn’t mean that the everyday Joe can’t take note and even try some of these deliciously decadent meals.

Truffles are a favorite of fine dining chefs all over the world. While the raw product may less than appealing, celebs pay top dollar to sample white truffles on everything from pasta to poultry. Some chefs use truffle oil to flavor side dishes like gourmet French fries. Interested in trying this delectable type of mushroom? Unless you’ve got a few grand to fork out, go with truffle oil instead. You’ll get a similar flavor for a lot less dough.

Other celebrity food favorites include wagyu steaks, which are made from a special marbleized beef that originates from Japan. These cattle are fed a special diet of corn and the end result is a plate of meat of that is juicy, tender and absolutely delicious. Even President Obama is a fan, serving Wagyu beef at White House events. Sure, the steak is pricy, at around a hundred dollars for a small piece, but you can buy steaks online and prepare them yourself to cut costs. Look for kobe steaks online, which are a type of Wagyu beef that comes from the Kobe region of Japan, and is highly desirable for its flavor profile and rich taste.

Celebs are also drawn to champagne and caviar. The two of these together are a winning combination, but on their own, they can each be a pricy treat. Beluga caviar is considered a favorite and is a delicacy, considering it can take up to twenty years to mature. For some, the whiter the caviar and the older the fish, the better the flavor; though for others, it is an acquired taste).

When it comes to dessert, celebs have a sweet tooth just like everyone else, but the way they top their sundaes may be different than you and I. Gold leaf is as common as caramel and whipped cream, and a single sundae can run upwards of a thousand dollars.

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