Mar 8, 2010

Exact Jack Stands

The first thing about any work place is the safety to the worker and then the safety to the work. This is the reason, that there are so many machines around a mechanic, with each one having a specific use. One machine might be very similar to other in terms of the function, but this is no where a reason to get rid of one. There are certain design features about the instrument which make it unique and indispensable its own way. This is the reason why exact jack stands are suggested to be used while working on any automobile.

Jack Stands
Many mechanics omit the usage of the jack stands, they sat they are very cumbersome to use. They have been replaced by the hydraulics by many. It is not safe as there have been many instances when the car has slipped off the hydraulics and fallen on the ground. In situations like this the first ethic of any workplace is violated. Not only the person working gets hurt but the cars he is working on also gets hurt. Considering this I think the use of the exact jack stands in conjugation with the hydraulics becomes a must. In this case even if the car slips off the hydraulics, it won’t come crashing on the ground.

Apart from this, there are people who do not use the instrument properly even if they are using it. There are some people who master the art of using just one jack stand in the middle instead of one on all sides. They call this the balancing art, which mostly leads to accidents. The jacks are not designed to give that output under any situation. This way the whole car is in an imbalanced position. This has higher chances of sliding off the stand. The advised way of using exact jack stands is, to place one near each tire and secure the car in the position. They are easy to find and the investment required for them is quite less than what you would pay after any accident. Any regular jack would be available for twenty to thirty dollars.

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