Feb 28, 2012

Wagyu Steaks: The Best You Can Get

Wagyu steaks, popularly known as Kobe steaks are produced in Japan. Only that country has the ability to produce Kobe beef, which are called Kobe steaks when roasted. The land of the rising sun produces this high-quality cow meat from a Japanese breed of cattle, locally known as the Wagyu. This is where the name Wagyu steak or Wagyu beef comes from. More specifically, they raise the black Tajima-ushi variety of Wagyus, in order to produce this sort of meat.

Kobe beef production in Japan is known for its traditional, strict, and rather peculiar way of raising and nourishing their cows. Cow meat cannot be labeled as Kobe beef if the cattle were not born and raised inside the Hyogo Prefecture. When it comes to the nourishment and growth of their cows on the farm, Japanese farmers give them a high-quality diet of grains, fresh grass, hays and, believe it or not, beer! The alcohol is used to increase the cattle's appetites. The animals are also massaged once in a while for the purpose of even fat distribution. And the steers or bulls are castrated to purify their meat. Before the cows reach the age of 20 months, they are prepped for butchering.

There are only a few authorized slaughterhouses in the Hyogo Prefecture that can perform the meat extraction from Wagyus. These are located in Himeji, Kakogawa, Sanda, Nishinomiya and Kobe. The total weight of meat coming from one cow should not exceed 470 kg. There are two quality tests that the meat should pass; the first one is what they call the BMS, or the marbling ratio. This is basically the ratio between the lean meat and the fats. The cow's meat should acquire a grade of at least level 6 or above. The second, and final, test is to check the quality of the meat. In this, the beef should score between 4 and 5 points. After all this is checked and confirmed, the beef is then labeled as Kobe beef. With all of these procedures, no wonder Kobe beef is regarded as the best in the world—and sold at high prices.

When you check steaks for sale online, you won't be as amused anymore if you find out about the Kobe beef. Although expensive, it's exceptionally tasty and even heavenly, according to one consumer. Compared to caviar, which costs around $2,400 per pound, Kobe steaks are a good and impressive alternative for special occasions and parties.

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