May 19, 2011

Useful Info about Green City

A green city is a metropolis built in an eco-friendly manner through the use of renewable energy resources and other natural resources within the same city. Such a city is also known as a smart city or sustainable city.

In recent times, many researchers have been looking into various ways of how to make urban settlements sustainable. Many mayors and city leaders are seeking better ways of making their cities green. Many strategies are usually formed and involved in the process. There are sustainable development policies to be engaged in order to realize better results. Many great thinkers and leaders have come up with useful strategies to employ in the establishment of sustainable cities. Lots of research into the matter is still ongoing. The future is indeed very bright for the green city agenda.

The establishment of a green city is possible through diverse means. There must be the conscious improvement of air flow in such a city. The over dependence on artificial air conditioning systems must be minimized as much as possible. In its place, natural means of ventilation should be encouraged. This is usually possible through the planting of big trees and the erection of quality green houses.

Green building plans are usually followed in order to erect aesthetically appealing buildings that can improve the environment. There are certain well defined processes to follow for the erection of such green houses. In order to realize the goal of building a green city, the use of non-renewable energy resources must be minimized or, if possible, discouraged entirely. In its place, renewable energy sources available in the city should be tapped.

Proper land usage is very important in the establishment of a green city. Optimal use of natural resources should be encouraged in the erection of green homes and offices. There should also be the establishment of green streets and spaces.

Again, eco-friendly transportation systems must be put in place. There should be the creation of road networks adorned with green and eco-friendly elements. Proper pedestrian bridges and lanes must be built on the high ways. Double lane roads must also be created. This helps in reducing large amounts of carbon dioxide emissions coming from vehicles. Automobile accidents can also be drastically reduced when eco-friendly roads are built.

Sustainable development is very possible in the establishment green cities when the use of alternative fuel systems is encouraged. Such fuels include hydroelectric, solar, wind, biomass and geothermal. These are all eco-friendly.

Finally, proper waste management is vital for the establishment of a green city. Various waste recycling programs and waste management policies must be put in place. If all these points discussed above are implemented, a green city can be built. However, it demands determination and proper planning by the experts involved.

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